Tag: Sarah Blevins

  • Accessibility in Web Design

    Sarah Blevins  Abstract: Accessibility is an important aspect of web design. In computer science, we focus on how to write programs, how the workplace is going to be set up, and even computing theories. Some courses discuss accessibility in computer science that leads to learning protocols and procedures in place to ensure that software being developed is…

  • Computer Science Department Research Symposium  

    (April 21st, 2023, 12:00 PM – 3:00 PM) James Farmer Hall 210 Veronica Cagle (Department Honors)Presentation Title: “Using Machine Learning to Identify Political Polarization on Social Media” Sarah Blevins (UMW Honors Program)Presentation Title: “Accessibility in Web Design“ Eleanor Haas (UMW Honors Program)Presentation Title: “The Use of AI in Oil Pipeline Cybersecurity“ Sophia StilTitle: “AI in…
