Category: College of Arts & Sciences

  • Music Department Performances

    Music Department Student Recital Friday 2pm in the Weatherly Wing of Seacobeck Hall Hayden Wedgewood, piano Senior recital, including some original compositions Friday 7:30 p.m. in the Weatherly Wing of Seacobeck Hall

  • Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Research Forum

    The annual Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Forum is held each year to coincide with Women’s History Month. This year the forum occurred on March 29, 2023. The winners of the Poster Presentation Category were: Armon Barnes, Adam Deskins, Mariana Haugh and Renee Leger, “Sexual Sensation Seeking as a Function of Sex and Sexual Orientation”; PSYC…

  • The Use of AI in Oil Pipeline Cybersecurity

    By Eleanor Haas Abstract: With the conveniences of modern technology comes the increasing risk of cyberattacks, and industrial control systems in infrastructure are particularly vulnerable. While they provide convenience and efficiency, there is also an increasing risk of disruption to these systems, whether by cyberattack, faulty engineering, or natural disasters. This research focuses specifically on…

  • Accessibility in Web Design

    Sarah Blevins  Abstract: Accessibility is an important aspect of web design. In computer science, we focus on how to write programs, how the workplace is going to be set up, and even computing theories. Some courses discuss accessibility in computer science that leads to learning protocols and procedures in place to ensure that software being developed is…

  • Using Machine Learning to Identify Political Polarization on Social Media

    Veronica Cagle Abstract: Polarization in the political sphere, seen through combative communication and stalemate, may impose negative social impacts on the population. Attempting to measure political polarization in the masses through self-reported surveys and interviews can present response biases of social desirability. The classification of thought freely written online allows political polarization to be measured…

  • Computer Science Department Research Symposium  

    (April 21st, 2023, 12:00 PM – 3:00 PM) James Farmer Hall 210 Veronica Cagle (Department Honors)Presentation Title: “Using Machine Learning to Identify Political Polarization on Social Media” Sarah Blevins (UMW Honors Program)Presentation Title: “Accessibility in Web Design“ Eleanor Haas (UMW Honors Program)Presentation Title: “The Use of AI in Oil Pipeline Cybersecurity“ Sophia StilTitle: “AI in…

  • Geography Symposium

    Oral Presentations April 21, 2023, Monroe 319 10:00 a.m.Caitlin Shirvinski, “The Construction Industry through Women’s Eyes.” 10:20 a.m.Aimee Trehey & Mike Thrower, “Expanding the Stories in Fredericksburg: Analyzing Diversity in the Landscape.” 11:00 a.m.Victoria Gallaway, “AAG Deep Learning Workshop.” 11:20 a.m.Abigail Zurfluh, “Growing Up Queer in American Suburbs.” POSTERS – available 10 am – noon…

  • The possibility of an Intelligent Designer

    By Hermela Million Faculty Mentor: Mehdi Aminarazavi Abstract Attribute of design are complexity, structure, function, art, and intentionality. When an intelligent designer designs it is with a specific function in mind. Even if an intelligent designer makes adjustments to a product it is because there is a plan or function for the product. Philosophically, for…

  • Exploration into the Inhibition of Tyrosinase

    By Ryan Meek Faculty Mentor: Dr. Randall Reif, Ph.D. Abstract Tyrosinase is the chief active agent in the production of melanin and in the browning of fruits and vegetables. The reaction it catalyzes produces a pigmented product whose production can be easily measured in a spectrophotometer. For this reason, the Biochemistry I Lab at the…

  • The Effect of Photoperiod on Male Zebrafish Sex Hormones

    By Madeline S Phillips Faculty Mentor: Dr. Dianne Baker Abstract The goal of this research was to explore how photoperiod affects the reproductive endocrine axis in zebrafish (Danio rerio). It is known that the reproductive endocrine axis controls zebrafish reproduction. Additionally, it is known that photoperiod determines both reproductive seasonality (long days promote reproduction) and…
