Oral Presentations


Session 1, HCC 210

Moderator: Cartland Berge

  1. Madeline Berger (Theatre). “AIVA: Artificial Intelligence Music Composition in Educational Sound Design”
  2. Brian Wolf (Communication + Digital Studies). “UMW CATF Social Media Strategy and Implementation.”
  3. Audra Young (Communication + Digital Studies) “R and RStudio Instructional Guides for Use in Biostatistics and Research Design Course
  4. Abigail Delapenha (Biological Sciences). “Characterization of Toxoplasma gondii Calcium regulator proteins TGGT1_253640 and TGGT1_222060 for Toxoplasma gondii growth and invasion”

Session 2, HCC 307

Moderator: Dr. Varun Makhija

  1. John (Jack) Bulger (Biological Sciences). “Comparison of heavy metal concentrations in muscle and liver tissue between migratory Canada geese and permanent resident Canada geese
  2. Dylan Crann (Biological Sciences). “The Effect of Social Isolation on Depression-like Symptoms in Mice
  3. Madeline Killian (Chemistry and Physics). “Rotational Dynamics Of Asymmetric Molecules
  4. Shreya Murali (Chemistry and Physics). “Apoptosis Induction in Jurkat T Lymphocytes by Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs)”

Session 3, HCC 328

Moderator: Dr. Laura Mentore

  1. María Esquivel (English and Linguistics). “Quiet Minority: The Language of Minorities in Right-Wing and Conservative Movements
  2. Erin Mahoney (Sociology and Anthropology). “Vine Boom Effect: Ayahuasca and Staged Authenticity in Late-Stage Capitalism
  3. Eden Shenal (Modern Languages and Literatures). “Accent Attitudes and the Latino Community: A Study of Accent Perceptions towards Spanish-Accented English and its Effects on Latinos in the United States”
  4. Abigail Zurfluh (Geography). “Dark History: Open 9-5/ The Role of Antebellum and Civil War Era Dark Tourism Sites on the American East Coast


Session 1, HCC 210

Moderator: Dr. Christine Henry

  1. Eugene Hlaing (Historic Preservation). “Some Not-So-Good News I’ve Just Heard About on the Web: How An Online Cyberstalking Community Preserves Digital Artifacts
  2. Luka Molloy (Historic Preservation). “From the Land: an Experimental Approach to Ancient Ink Composition
  3. Micah Golmant (Sociology and Anthropology). “Growing Relationships: Urban Gardening and Identity Formation in Nonprofit Work”
  4. Elizabeth Kondzella (Sociology and Anthropology). “Lifestyles of the Fit and Famous: Instagram’s “Celebrity” Fitness Influencers

Session 2, HCC 307

Moderator: Dr. Elizabeth Lewis

  1. Julia May (Modern Languages and Literatures) “Taking the public to the private: the role of art in Eighteenth-Century Spanish tertulia
  2. Madeline Killian (Modern Languages and Literatures). “Enlightened Scientific Contributions of Women in 18th Century Spain
  3. Hannah Chester (Theatre). “Men on Boats”
  4. Pearl Lee (Communications + Digital Studies) “Fixing the Bechdel Wallace Test: An Analysis”

Session 3, HCC 328

Moderator: Dr. Liane Houghtalin

  1. Katharine Bogen (Classics, Philosophy, and Religion). “The Curia Julia: Its History, Materials, Use, and Preservation through the Centuries
  2. Vonne Daszkilewicz (Classics, Philosophy, and Religion). “Like a Shadow or Even a Dream: Memory and Haptic Motifs on Classical Attic Funerary Stelai
  3. Brooke Prevedel (Classics, Philosophy, and Religion). “Beyond Romanization: An Indigenous Study of Cultural Change in Classical Britain
  4. Jessica Thorne (Classics, Philosophy, and Religion). “The Growth and Development of Sarmizegetusa Ulpia Traiana: Taking a Look at the Roman Capital of Dacia from Beginning to End
  5. Melody Zeher (Classics, Philosophy, and Religion). “Using Geological and Archaeological Dating Techniques to Make Historical Conclusions about Santorini: Unlocking Hidden Potential for Aegean Chronologies


Session 1, HCC 210

Moderator: Dr. Desmond Villalba

  1. Valeria Ortiz Jiménez (Biological Sciences). “The Effect of Fluorouracil on Pathogenic and Non-pathogenic Oral Microorganisms and Microbial Interactions with Preventative Measures
  2. Marianne Beaulieu (Biological Sciences). “The Effect of Phage Resistance on Bacillus thuringiensis subps. kurstaki on Virulence to Manduca sexta Larvae
  3. Daniel Paluh (Chemistry and Physics). “Gravity on a paper thin Earth
  4. Abigail Algeier and Emily Landry (Biological Sciences). “The Effects of Estrous Stage on Voluntary Wheel Running and Anxious Behavior in Female CD-1 Mice”

Session 2, HCC 307

Moderator: Dr. Amrita Dhar

  1. Annie Wadovic (College of Business). “Is the CPA Exam Dying?”
  2. Jane Kisselev (College of Business). “A Study on the Secondhand Clothing Market”
  3. Dana Smith (Economics) “Non-Traditional Early Voting and Voter Turnout”
  4. Maya Jenkins (Political Science). “The Creation of Political Survival Strategies by Black Woman Students on Virginia’s Predominantly White Campuses”