Category: Modern Languages and Literatures
Enlightened Scientific Contributions of Women in 18th Century Spain
By Madeline Killian Faculty Mentor: Dr. Elizabeth Lewis Abstract In the Age of the Enlightenment, women of nobility in Spain began to gain some authority to make important contributions to society in various ways. Through examining primary and secondary sources, and records from museums and archives in Madrid, we are able to gain insight into…
Taking the public to the private: the role of art in Eighteenth-Century Spanish tertulias
By Julia May Faculty Mentor: Dr. Elizabeth Lewis Abstract In the Age of the Enlightenment, women of nobility in Spain began to gain some authority to make important contributions to society in various ways. Through examining primary and secondary sources, and records from museums and archives in Madrid, we are able to gain insight into…
Accent Attitudes and the Latino Community: A Study of Accent Perceptions towards Spanish-Accented English and its Effects on Latinos in the United States
By Eden Shenal Faculty Mentor: Marisa Martinez Mira Abstract The guiding question for my research will be, what are the social impacts on Latino individuals speaking accented English as they live, work, and otherwise interact with US-born native English speakers? Are there adverse stereotypes and perceptions about foreign accents that impact their lives, and if…