Category: Communication and Digital Studies

  • UMW Rare Books Spotlight

    By Nick Onorato Faculty Mentor: Dr. Antonio Barrenechea Abstract In collaboration with Dr. Antonio Barrenechea, professor in English, and UMW Special Collections/Archives we were able to create a few videos (3 currently but 5 total planned) showcasing first edition books held in the university’s rare book holdings. This project was proposed to me by Dr.…

  • Fixing the Bechdel Wallace Test: An Analysis

    By Pearl Faculty Mentor: Brenta Blevins Abstract The Bechdel test is used as a way to “measure” how feminist a film or piece of media is. But the rules for passing the Bechdel test are way too simple and in fact the test itself was never meant to be used in a public way. I…

  • R and RStudio Instructional Guides for Use in Biostatistics and Research Design Course

    By Audra Young Faculty Mentor: Cartland Berge Abstract In the Biostatistics and Research Design (BIOL 260) course offered at UMW, students learn how to use R, a programming language, and its interface, RStudio, to run statistical tests on biological data. For many students in the biological or life sciences, this course is the first time…

  • Get the Jab or Else: Effectiveness of Fear Appeals in the Herman Cain Award Subreddit

    By Julia May Faculty Mentor: Dr. Crosby/Dr. Rao Abstract In 2021, I conducted participant observation research on the Herman Cain SubReddit, examining the effectiveness of fear appeals on social media. In that research, I determined that fear appeals on social media platforms are just as effective as they are when used on mass media platforms.…

  • UMW CATF Social Media Strategy and Implementation

    By Brian P. Wolf Faculty Mentor: Dr. Adria Goldman Abstract For my Honors Capstone Project I developed and updated a social media strategy for the UMW Climate Action Task Force (CATF). The CATF is an on-campus organization dedicated to reducing the carbon footprint of UMW by proposing actionable policies the university should implement to help…
