Student Presenters: Vonne Daszkilewicz, Shilah Morris, Jessica Thorne
Faculty Mentor: Liane Houghtalin
Abstract: Preview the incipient Museum of Ancient Mediterranean Cultures at the University of Mary Washington. This museum will be an immersive experience, where visitors will be able to move in a reconstructed ancient space, touch the objects there, and experience what it was like to live in an ancient culture. The museum will continuously develop and change. Currently, the presenters are installing a Roman “fast food” shop known as a thermopolium. Future spaces might include a Roman classroom, an Etruscan tomb, or an Athenian andron (where symposia were held). See what has been done so far, and talk with the presenters about their research into making the space look authentic, their ideas for future side exhibits related to thermopolia, and their vision for the future of the museum.
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